
Plant List

2 x Hermle 650 5-Axis
1 x DMU 60 EVO 5-axis (automated)
1 x DMU 60 EVO 5-axis (Twin Pallet)
4 x DMU 50 3rd generation 5-axis (3 x automated)
3 x DMU 50 2nd generation 5-axis (automated)
5 x DMU 40 EVO 5-axis (4 x automated)
1 x Milltap 700 3-axis (automated)
2 x DMG Mori NLX 2500
1 x DMG Mori NLX 2000
1 x Harrison M300GH
1 x Agie Chamilles Clean Cut 440 Wire Eroder
1 x Agie Chamilles Clean Cut 200 Wire Eroder
1 x Agie Chamilles Clean Cut 300ms Wire Eroder
1 x Agie Chamilles Roboform 200 Spark Eroder
1 x Agie Chamilles Drill 20 Hole Driller
Other Internal Processes
1 x PDJ Vibro EVP-A-350 Vibratory Bowl Finishing Machine
1 x Rosler Raytech AV-75 Vibratory Bowl Finishing Machine
1 x Lapmaster Model 36 with Pneumatic Lift
1 x Lapmaster Model 15
1 x Electrox Scorpion Rapide 2
1 x Perfect Model PFG X36 High Accuracy Surface Grinder
1 x Myford MG12M Cylindrical Grinder
Assembly, Cleaning & Packaging
1 x Mecwash Midi 400 Cleaning and Drying Machine
1 x Monmouth VLF 1800 Lamina Flow Cabinet
Inspection Services
2 x Hexagon Dea Global S 12.15.08 Blue Performance CMM
1 x Hexagon Dea Global C 09.15.08 Performance CMM
1 x Hexagon Dea Global 07.10.07 Performance CMM
1 x Hexagon Dea Global 05.07.05 Advantage CMM
1 x Hexagon HP-L10.6 Non-Contact Laser Scanner
CV150 Profile and Surface Measuring Machine
Mahr Marsurf PS1 Handheld Surface Roughness Tester
Mitutoyo Model 525-312-11 FTA-H4 D3000-D Formtracer with surface finish measuring head
Trimos Mestra Touch Gauge
Trimos Vectra Touch VT600MA Height Gauge
Sylvac Hi-Cal 300 Height Micrometer
Mitutoyo Projector PJ-3000
Nikon SMZ 800 Microscope
Bowers XT Digital Bore Micrometer
2 x Tagarno FHD ZAP Digital Microscope
Schoelly Flexivision 100 – Full HD digital bore scope with Ø0.7mm to Ø4mm probes

What our clients say:

  • We have taken delivery of the first parts and would like to say that they are the best ones we have ever had manufactured. The service and turnaround has been exceptional.

    Oil and Gas sector company
    Senior Buyer

  • Everything has been perfect - 10 things all needed to key together perfectly and to our surprise it all just went together. The actuator bore/piston was hands down one of the best fitting ones we have ever assembled, and we've built thousands over the years here.

    Robotics Manufacture
    Senior Design Engineer

  • The part really looks fantastic and all our mechanical designers are extremely excited and have been staring at it for the last hour. Thanks for the great work.

    Robotics Manufacturer
    Senior Design Engineer

  • These are probably the nicest finish I have ever seen in titanium and something about their curvature specifically just really made them look incredible. They've gotten a number of looks from all of our engineers who keep constantly asking who made those parts.

    Robotics Manufacturer
    Senior Design Engineer

  • All we can really say is WOW - astounding facility and what a focused and cohesive team. Having been in engineering all my career (35 years), I have had few companies impress me that much

    Turbine Manufacturer

  • The parts are perfect. Frankly I'm astonished at the speed that you've turned these parts around, and the exceptionally high standard of the whole experience I've had working with you.

    Surgical Instruments Manufacturer
    Managing Director

  • Thanks for the delivery - on time again! You're making the rest of us look bad! I've seen the parts this morning, and they are once again spot on. Thanks again for helping us out on this one.

    Surgical Instruments Manufacturer
    Managing Director

  • I was approached by one of our inspectors today and asked to pass on my compliments regarding the standard of work he found when he inspected the parts. This is a complex part, and he was impressed with the component you provided, particularly given the additional pressure at this time with the volume of parts being processed and the tight deadlines we require you to work to. Thank you very much for your efforts.

    F1 Team
    Supply Quality Engineer

  • As one of our key Suppliers, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your efforts and commitment over the Winter. The whole team, of which you are a significant part, has responded magnificently to this challenge and the level of teamwork, dedication and professionalism has increased to another level of performance.

    F1 Team
    Lead Technical Buyer


+44(0)1923 291555